M&A integration and separation. The art of delivering deal value, every time

Mergers and Acquisitions are some of the most challenging and most rewarding strategies for an organisation. You buy distribution, innovation, new categories, new routes to market with an aim of adding value and step changing the trajectory of your business.

Divestments and carve-outs free up your time and simplify what you do, allowing you to focus on what really matters having realised the value of what you have sold.

Once the deal team has done their work; identifying targets, assessing their viability through due diligence, designing the deal structure and negotiating the deal, the real work starts; integration. In most deals it is the integration, or not, which determines whether the deal value is delivered or not. For divestments the same can apply to the separation process.

Few companies are serial deal makers. That is where we come in. We bring our 20 years of experience over 30 deals to simplify and help you work smarter, not harder, to deliver the value and mitigate the risks.

With the shift to more founder-led and smaller acquisitions the traditional methods of integration are no longer capable of securing the value or managing the risks and surprises. Our repeatable model takes these into this account.

Integration principles

We focus on the value: Where is the value expected from? How can we ensure that the value is delivered? What other value may exist to mitigate any surprises along the way?

We mitigate risks: Risks to the acquirer, risks to value delivery.

We take a holistic approach: We look deeply into the target to build the integration strategy which will secure your value and mitigate your risks.

360 view: We use a range of 360 assessments to quickly work out the value drivers and risks.

Our Integration Strategy Matrix gives you a Blueprint of what to integrate and when, especially if it will follow. The Blueprint gives your teams the priorities that they need to focus on to mitigate risks and deliver value.

Integration basics

We cover the basics: Securing the assets, securing the business, securing the performance through the 100-day plan. We monitor and measure to mitigate the risks.

Impact of culture

Where there are cultural differences, we assess the friction points and feed the results into our Integration Strategy Matrix to determine the best strategy to ensure that we work with the cultures and not against.


A common cause of friction, especially when acquiring founder led high-growth businesses, is the differing maturity levels.

Well established processes and systems vs emerging processes and systems, defined roles and responsibilities vs flexibility. We navigate these to reduce the friction and get the best out of both worlds.

Our experience

We have an unparalleled experience of delivering deal value through integrating, separating, and acquiring business. We have spanned mature and emerging markets, corporates, and founder-led entrepreneurs.

Our focus is value delivery through growth and efficiencies, rather than simple synergy benefits, such as consolidating plants. Our ability to assess the sources of value and create the environment for businesses to thrive, gives you a source of deal value advantage.

In numbers: We have led the post-deal activity for over 30 deals, worth more than £6bn. We have a global reach from Asia to the US and flexibility on scale, from $2.2bn to £1m.

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We believe in working smarter, not harder. Our approach to delivering your deal value takes this into account. We regularly publish white papers and articles which give you insights into how we work.