Creating leaders (and agents) of change

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We love leaving a legacy, creating the next generation of Change Leaders and Agents.

These workshops are for leaders or change agents who want to transform their organisation or whose teams need to be adaptable and open to future change.

Our flagship Leading Change Workshop creates leaders who embrace and naturally lead change, inspiring their teams to transform themselves.

Our Change Agent Bootcamp is for those who need to quickly assess the situation, clarify the issue to be solved, confidently design and execute.

Outcomes you can expect

We focus on how you ensure that you will deliver your strategic value, especially where the value is dependent on humans making different choices.

  • Improved Adoption: Reduced cost and time to implement. Higher adoption rates.

  • Proven Approach: Repeatable success, early insight into whether you will be successful or not.

  • Point of Value: The ability to quickly identify the point of value, so that you can protect it.

  • Predictably Irrational: The ability to recognise and predict human behaviour.

  • Influential Leadership: Understand effective leadership, how to influence and inspire others.

  • Effective Communications: Right first time, engaging the emotions and passions in others.

  • Reduce Resistance: Confidently predict and manage resistance and design solutions that reduce the friction.

  • A Repeatable Model: A structured approach, and workbook, that gives you deep insight into the risks you are carrying, with the tactics to mitigate. No surprises.

Our methods are flexible with a balance of theory, reflection, practical tactics, and tools which build your behaviour change capability and generate insights in the spirit of working smarter, not harder.

We will provide materials; the tools, techniques and tactics for your use.

We offer three formats


Interactive and insightful, working with a small group (8-10) peers, this series of 10 workshops gives a cost-effective approach to building capability.

Effectiveness: 6-7 out of 10

**** cost-effective, with a shared experience


Designed for maximum awareness, our webinars can reach many people at one time. This gives you broad awareness, rather than depth of understanding.

Effectiveness: 4-5 out of 10

**** achieves breadth

1:1 Coaching

Our ultimate option and the best for both depth, breadth, and sustainability. We work 1:1 with your team members to create a deep legacy of capability in your organisation.

Effectiveness 8-9 out of 10

**** in 2020, almost 50 change agents and leaders went through our program

Our friends at Irrational Change, offer individual spaces for both workshops and webinars, and a range of online courses.