It is time for a different approach to transformation
Most transformations fail
The statistics of project failure are horrible, especially transformational projects. Shareholder value is squandered, teams are burned out, opportunities are missed. It is frustrating for everyone.
If you are frustrated with the transformations that you are overseeing or are worried that they will fail to deliver their benefits, that the opportunity and value will be lost, you are not alone.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing; in our experience few of the opportunities are really bad ideas, most fail due to poor execution. We can be more specific than that.
Why transformations fail
Whether you are integrating a newly acquired business, transforming your sales effectiveness, implementing shared services, or something else, the same factor sits at the heart of failure, humans.
More specifically, what we choose to do, or not and the consequences of that action, or lack of action.
In the same way that your team sits at the heart of your competitive advantage, what they choose to do, or not, makes the biggest difference between your success and failure.
The irrational plan
Most transformations set out a rational plan; a series of steps, design, build, engage, implement, sustain, assuming a logical flow.
When other factors come into play, especially human choices, the rational plan struggles to cope with the variability. Suddenly you have delays, requests for more budget, and changes to deliverables. The opportunity and outcome you dream of starts fading into the distance.
This is where an ‘irrational’ plan comes in. Not just human-centric, but human behaviour centric it uses the insight that humans are predictable, predictably irrational.
Delivering value and successful outcomes
Predicting the irrational behaviours of humans, then designing an ‘irrational’ plan reduces friction in your transformation project, delivers value quicker, and is more likely to lead to successful outcomes.
Which is why bringing a transformation behavioural specialist into your team early may be the wisest move you make on any project.
Imagine a world where your transformational changes happened quickly, giving you the competitive advantage, you are looking for.
How much value is at stake?
Still not convinced?
To know how much value you have at stake, ask yourself the three questions that we ask of every transformation.
It isn’t a question of can you afford to invest, it is can you afford not to.
The differentiating factor between success and failure is humans and their behaviour. Build a plan which takes this into account, an ‘irrational’ plan.
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If you are interested in what an ‘irrational’ plan can do for you, or would like to build your team’s capability in creating their own ‘irrational’ plans, we are here to help. We ensure success, delivering your value using techniques that reduce friction and delays.